5 reasons to include videos in your marketing strategy
ANA BÁEZYouTube has over 1 billion unique monthly users around the world and receives 4 billion views daily. It is the third most visited website in the world. One in two people with an internet connection access it and men and women between 18 and 34 years old spend more time watching online videos than watching television. Do you need more reasons to include videos in your marketing strategy? Because we still have many more! In this post, from Teipe we will tell you 5 very powerful reasons for you to make the decision and take advantage of all the benefits that videos can provide to your brand.

If you think of videos as a complicated and expensive strategy, it's time to get rid of those prejudices and grow your brand! At Teipe we have the team you need to create campaigns, create scripts and film quality videos, adapting to your budget. Contact us now and receive more information!
1. For all budgets
If there's one good thing about video marketing, it's that there are options to suit every budget. Depending on the investment you want to make, you only need creativity and flexibility to adjust the script to the needs of your campaign. You can make high-quality videos and valuable content for your users with few resources. So, cheer up, you don't need a Hollywood production to upload a video to your networks!

2. Efficient campaigns
Networks offer multiple options to select your target audience, by geographic location, gender, language, interests, age, keywords… so identify your audience and get your video to them!
3. In every corner of the world
As we mentioned earlier, millions of people around the world log on to YouTube every day, and they are the perfect target for your campaigns! And let's not even talk about the other platforms on which you can promote your videos, such as Instagram , Facebook , Pinterest, TIK-TOK, blogs, etc. Videos are much more engaging than still photos, so don't hesitate to get started!

4. Pay per view
Unlike traditional media like TV and film, when we talk about digital media we can have a more accurate idea of how many people watched our video, for how long, what they did with it, etc.
Depending on the platform, the payment method can be per click or per impression. In addition, in the case of YouTube you can also pay per view. This way you can have more information about how your campaigns are working: good segmentation and good audiovisual material will help you obtain a more than convenient cost per conversion.
5. They facilitate interaction
Videos are great for engagement, whether it's through comments, likes, or shares. YouTube lets you include "cards" in your videos that anyone can click on to be directed to your website, specific products, or more videos on your channel.
Every click and every movement is measured, and you can take advantage of this information. If you keep a good record of how your audience interacted with your material and follow their customer journey, you will be able to create increasingly effective and complex campaigns. And if you manage to make your video go viral, your company will grow like you never imagined!
Types of videos
Ok, you're convinced and you want to get started! Now the question is: what kind of video should you make? Here are some suggestions:
Videos with valuable content. These are short videos, between 30 seconds and 2 minutes maximum. You can use them to provide value to your users, to explain the use of a product or service from your company or to tell your audience something they want to know and that you, as an expert, know perfectly. These videos must be clear and concise, so it is important that you take your time to prepare and create a script before you start filming. They are generally very successful and if they are well done, they are shared and saved.

Lives. Almost all social networks allow you to do live shows for free. If you have an active community on social networks or invite an influencer, it is a very good option to provide value to your users and position your brand. The only thing you should keep in mind is that you will not be able to edit the content, that the image quality will be sufficient for a smartphone but poor for a larger screen, that there may be interruptions and that the sound may be of poor quality.
Institutional videos. Having a professional video that talks about your company adds a lot of points. A well-filmed, dynamic and modern video with a well-thought-out script and a good voice will give your company identity and brand recognition.
Happy customers. If you have strong ties with your customers, encourage them to share their experience with your company in a video. It is proven that we feel more confident about purchasing a product or service when we hear about a genuinely good experience from someone else.

Influencers. Actions with influencers are usually very effective, as they guarantee a high reach and a quality product that you can replicate on all your networks.
Unboxing. These videos are still all the rage. They are usually starred by a famous person. They show a person unboxing a product in front of the camera and the reactions they have when using it for the first time. They are very, very effective for selling products!

Don't wait any longer! Come to Teipe and grow your brand alongside a professional, established and experienced team. Contact us now and receive more information!