After-sales service: why it is so important for your business


Do you think that after-sales service is of little use? At Teipe Digital we assure you that after reading this article you will value this stage of e-commerce like no one else.

Believe it or not, most online stores consider the ultimate goal of their business to be selling, collecting payment and shipping the product, without worrying about any other details. However, they are missing out on a rich universe of possibilities: generating free advertising, learning more about consumers and building audience loyalty. All of that with after-sales service ? Yes! And in this article we tell you how you can benefit from it too.

  1. What is after-sales service?
  2. Why after-sales service is important
  3. How to offer good after-sales service
  4. Are you going to implement after-sales service ?

What is after-sales service?

We call after-sales service all the actions we carry out with the customer once the purchase is complete. It is, therefore, a task as essential as the other strategies you have implemented so far in your online store.

Properly executing after-sales service is essential for your brand to be successful and have a good reputation in the long term. Therefore, below we will delve into why this service is important.

Why is after-sales service important?

Did you know that after-sales service is an incredible source of income? Of course, it is the #1 action you can implement to retain customers and get new ones! You always have to remember that "word of mouth" is the best advertising your brand can have.

But here we will also tell you some points that you should start considering now:

  • It is very effective in creating brand loyalty: fundamentally because it is very pleasant for your customers to know that they can count on the support of your company after making a purchase.
  • A satisfied customer is your best advertisement: online shopping continues to generate distrust in many users. And a negative comment can be really damaging to your brand. Therefore, do not underestimate the power of good treatment and always go for five stars.
  • A satisfied customer usually buys more than once: it is always easier to offer a new product or service to a customer who has already had a good experience with your brand than to a new one who is not yet familiar with it.
  • They are a source of information for your store: you can learn a lot from your customers and thus optimize your services and products. Try doing small online surveys about their experience with your brand, get to know their point of view on the purchasing process or ask them for suggestions to help you improve.

How to offer good after-sales service

There are many actions available to provide an effective after-sales service that leaves your customers very satisfied! Below we share some ideas that you can implement in your business.

#1 Providing value to your customers

Don't just reach out to them to ask them to buy from you. We all love receiving free stuff, so take advantage and offer them content that's relevant to them to keep in touch. It can be blog posts or videos with tips, trends, useful information, entertainment or whatever you can think of!

#2 Listen to customers

What's the point of doing a survey if you're not going to change anything? It's important that you take action and act on your customers' criticisms. Otherwise, you may have the opposite effect to the one you want. Don't ignore their suggestions and if there is a problem, correct it in the best way possible.

#3 Offers advisory and maintenance services

If your services or products require it, this can be very good for your brand. The key is to make your customers feel safe with their purchase.

#4 Never run invasive email marketing campaigns

Although email marketing is a very effective tool, it will be very counterproductive for your brand to bombard your audience with hundreds of messages. At this point, we suggest that you do a good cleanse and segmentation of your database and send the right message to each type of client.

Are you going to implement after-sales service ?

You've already decided what your post-sale strategy will be: you've defined questionnaires, automated certain messages and even created interesting content for your audience... Congratulations! You'll see great results in no time, that's for sure.

Keep in mind that you can automate many actions using the appropriate software and in this way maximize your resources and create highly effective workflows.

At Teipe Digital we can help you select the most suitable tools for your business and create 360° strategies. Contact us now and find out more!
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